Friday, February 18, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

Type minis

For our first Adobe Illustrator assignment in my foundations computers, we were asked to use type four different ways. One had to be representational, non-representational, expressionistic, and auto-biographical. My representational piece is a butterfly with the word butterfly repeated dozens of times over. To create the effect of the wings, I downed the opacity of the repeated image of the word "butterfly" and made them smaller and overlap them to give the affect of the wings shrinking into space. The figure of the butterfly itself was taken from a picture off the internet and conformed the words to fit within the shape. The calender piece is supposed to be my non-representational one and is the word calender repeated over and over again with a downed opacity again. Mirror-Mirror is my expressionistic piece. And finally the autobiographical piece is the one with the words Jeans, jellybean, eccentric, adorable, nostalgic, spacey.